Dear Friends,
Each year, in late May or early June, driving along the
country roads and Thruway in Upstate New York, wild phlox can be seen tucked
away at the edges of woods, in dainty clusters or occasionally in generous
swaths. Pink and purple and white, the wild phlox seems to appear out of
nowhere and then it’s gone.
I think of the Holy Spirit when I see these flowers, obscure,
often missed by the unperceptive eye. So often we miss the Holy Spirit in our
personal lives and our lives together.
The Holy Spirit: God - given to us by Christ and His Father, and God
received. The attentiveness and the
allure of God which causes us to burn with the fire of God’s love.
The Irish theologian,
Diarmuid O’Murchu composed a prayer to the Holy Spirit, which I offer here. In
it, O’Murchu gives insight into the breadth and depth and scope
of God the Spirit’s reach in human life. Pray it out loud, if you can. Let your
ears hear it as well as your eyes see it:
Come Holy Spirit, breathe down upon our troubled world,
Come Holy Spirit, breathe down upon our troubled world,
Shake the tired foundations of
our crumbling institutions,
Break the rules that keep you out of all our sacred spaces.
And from the dust and rubble,
gather up the seedlings of a new creation.
Come Holy Spirit , inflame
once more the dying embers
Of our weariness, shake us out
of our complacency,
Whisper our names once more, and
scatter your gifts of grace with wild abandon.
Break open the prisons of our
inner being
And let your raging justice be a
sign of our liberty.
Come Holy Spirit, and lead
us to places we would rather not go;
Expand the horizons of our
limited imaginations.
Awaken in our souls dangerous
dreams for a new tomorrow,
And rekindle in our hearts the
fire of prophetic enthusiasm.
Come Holy Spirit, whose
justice outwits international conspiracy;
Whose light outshines spiritual
Whose peace can overcome the
destructive potential of warfare,
Whose promise invigorates our
every effort
To create a new Heave and a new
Now and forever.
-Sister Joan Sobala
Lovely! Thank you.