Monday, October 21, 2013

Be Saintly

Dear Friends,

I know I did All Saints Day and All Souls Day last week, but this time of year the sweeping winds and swirling leaves and shortening days somehow keep before my mind’s eye the topic of saints and life beyond our known life. This week, however, I’ll be brief and offer for your delight some thoughts from a man named Matthew R. Brown. Though I can’t provide you with any information about the author, his words speak to us of the vastness of the great cloud of witnesses of which we will be a part when we cross over. Brown writes:

It is the glory of the Church that it cannot name all the saints.
It is the glory of the Church that it cannot remember all the saints.
It is the glory of Christ that we cannot count all the saints…
The faithful cling to the roots of the saints, growing up from the ground.

How many saints there are, with more becoming so every day.
Now go out and be sainted.
Be saintly. It is a daring adventure beyond imagining in God’s love story with people like you and me. 

~Joan Sobala, SSJ