Friday, May 3, 2024

Jesus, Our Faithful Brother

Dear Friends,

Recently, as part of a committee, I wrote a prayer for a non-liturgical service, in which I included the phrase, “Jesus, Our Brother and Lord.” Someone else, typing up the text in the program, edited out “Our Brother,” leaving only “Jesus Our Lord.”

I was befuddled. Isn’t Jesus our Brother as well as our Lord? Or are we uncomfortable calling Jesus our Brother?

He is our Brother. By virtue of our Baptism, we have been incorporated into Christ. He is the firstborn of many brothers and sisters. (Romans 8.29)

Recognizing Jesus as our Brother opens the door for a greater affection for Jesus, a wonder in us that He has welcomed us in this way.

When we call Jesus our Brother, we do not reduce him to “bro” – which is affectionate but not necessarily reverent. Rather, He elevates us to a place in the family of God, offers us an intimacy that in humbling, constant and life-giving not only for ourselves, but for all we welcome into our lives.

If we are aware of the power of Jesus being our Brother, we might be more inclined to treat others more as we treat Jesus – with reverence, delight in His company.

There’s more. In today’s Gospel, Jesus says to His disciples, “I no longer call you servants/slaves. I call you friends.” (John15.15)

Today, Jesus bids us to regard Him as our companion and friend. Add to that the realization that Jesus is Our Brother as well as our Lord.

What wondrous thoughts! By Jesus’ very invitation, we are called to live in intimacy with Him.

~ Sister Joan Sobala