Friday, August 30, 2024

Welcoming a New Year of Life

Dear Friends,

Every September begins a new year for me. My birthday is in mid-August, so I enter the month a year older. Labor Day allows for a bittersweet goodbye to summer. The first day of school overflows with memories of my years as student and teacher. And in early September 1964 I began life as a Sister of Saint Joseph.

I had just graduated high school. It was an SSJ custom that new members arrived on September 8th. At the beginning of that month, I received a letter changing the date to the 12th. Our class’s move was postponed so that Motherhouse kitchen remodeling could be completed. 

What did I do with this bonus time? One memory I have of those four days is Robert F. Kennedy’s September 9th campaign visit to Rochester. He was running for US Senate against a popular Republican incumbent, Kenneth Keating. My friends and I took the bus to downtown Rochester and waited with the crowd. His motorcade paused right near us. We waved and screamed and cheered for him. 

Sixty years later, I realize that the Kennedy brothers were my heroes because they were dynamic, Catholic, and courageous. I began high school in the year John F. Kennedy was elected President. It had been only nine months since his assassination and here was RFK, willing to pick up the torch. I, in my own way, was beginning a life of service.

With years and experience, I’ve developed a more nuanced view of politics, religion, and heroes. The school of life has taught me hope and skepticism. My membership in this nation and Church continues. I’m one of the old women in the crowd now, cheering a little less noisily, but excited to welcome this new year. 

~ Sister Susan Schantz